Thursday, February 21, 2013

Laugh A Little Bit!

Here is a favorite Motto:

     Here's a motto just your fit: 
When you think your trouble hit, 
Laugh a little bit!

     Little ills will sure betide you; 
Fortune may not sit beside you; 
Men may mock  and fame deride you: 
But you'll mind them not a wit. 
If you have the grit and wit 
    Just to laugh a little bit.

Starting to feel like winter is on the way out, my tonic

Mountains and clouds reminds of an old album,  "It's a Beautiful Day"

A Yard burn and my favorite 4 cords of Fir firewood
    Linking up with Debbie Doo's Pinterest Party, Have A Daily Cup Of Mrs. Olson, Rooted In Thyme, Common Ground, Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Little Red House, Creating My Way To Success, One More Time, Alderberry Hill, A Blossoming Life


  1. That pic of the firewood is my favorite, too! I do so love a good fire!!

  2. Those flowers peeking out of the ground, the gorgeous mountains and that motto are simply wonderful. Everything goes better with a sense of humor!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  3. Nice poem! True too! Gorgeous photos, as always!

  4. Spring is definitely coming our way though! Cheers!

  5. You always have the most interesting post and beautiful pictures.
    Audrey Z.

  6. Love your cloud pictures. Nice load of firewood, sweet flowers. Have a great week.

  7. Beautiful Rob. Love the poem! Laughter is the best medicine for everything and anything! Wish Winter was on it's way out here. Still buried in snow. Glad your back and could share with Share Your Cup.

  8. That poem certainly fits my week. The mountains in the snow are breathtaking, reminders of how small we--and our troubles--really are.

  9. Oh, look at your beautiful snowdrops! I just found some of my own blooming in my overgrown mess of a garden. It's just such a hopeful sign of Spring! xoxo


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