Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Really Big Project...

I always wanted to see the North West Coast, when I got the call for the new state of the art Aluminium  Smelter I had to check it out. It is a two and a half year job six week in and one out ( not a big fan of that kind of shift ). We have Sundays off and I went to Terrace to relax and pick up some rain gear and what not.

The top two are in Terrace and the 1951 my all time favorite is in Courtenay
When logging was King Terrace
A farmer standing in front of a Presidents of the United States plate, my mothers Rose, a family Heirloom and Snow lady Rhodo
Sharing with: Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Funk Junk Interiors, Nifty Thrifty Sunday, Sunny Simple Sunday


  1. My husband would drool over that red pickup! He used to have a Model A back in the old days, in high school. Now we are on a small farm and he'd find good use for the pickup. Maybe I'd best not show him and give him ideas!

  2. Always great photos! Love that truck!

  3. My uncle had a pickup like the red one, but it was blue. He drove it till he could no longer drive it. LOL

    Love the antique phone. My aunt and uncle had one and turned it into a radio of all things. We loved playing with it when we were kids. You picked up the earpiece, and it came on.

    Dropping by from Claudia's to visit.

  4. Love the red truck. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  5. Love the vintage vehicles. We drive a '66 Mustang (when it wants to go somewhere!)

  6. Oh boy. I'd love that truck! My dad worked for the telephone company for 40 years and my late brother gave him a wall phone like yours.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week, Rob!


  7. Big Bertha--she's downright scary! I cannot imagine how they used such a machine, but I guess those huge trees called for mighty measures. The rose is gorgeous, and so is the phone.


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