Saturday, July 6, 2013

Maintenance now there is a word...

Maintaining upkeep of a car, a house, a healthy body and mind, of relationships, friendships, gardens, fences ( good fences make for good neighbors ), sometimes a gate is good...  

Mulch for yard and garden, weed and water maintenance, Carving needs... and my mothers Peace Rose

Draw Knives need Sharpening for working on fence posts, Rhodos need ....

Car Port needs new tarps Buddy needs love

Garlic needs attention, flowers need to be enjoyed
Have a Happy Day!

Sharing with: Embracing Change, Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. OlsonA Delightsome LifeA Creative Princess, Ivy and ElephantsBoogieboard Cottage, Nifty Thrifty, Debbiedoos, Rooted in Thyme, Funky Junk Interiors, Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Silver Pennies, The Self Sufficient Home Acre, Stylish Once Again, Little Red House, Creating My Way To Success, Smiling Sally Blue Monday


  1. So much maintenance is needed around our place here in Ontario, but we are hampered by heat and rain these days. Our mulch pile is waiting patiently under a giant blue tarp.
    Keeping that positive attitude is so important!I'm sure Buddy helps with that.

  2. I totally understand! It seems as if most of my time is spent on maintenance!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  3. I think everyone that own a house and property have constant maintenance. Just the weeding and grass cutting is a chore. I love the bench and carvings. And Buddy is a cutie! Great post, have a happy week!

  4. Maintenance is what keeps everything Stylish. Thanks so much for sharing at Restyled Sundays!

  5. I hear ya! At this old house we are busy maintaining and remodeling. Once we remove a layer we find another layer that needs to be fixed...
    Lovely garden and carvings!

  6. Great selection of photos Rob! I'm jealous of your garlic - I tried growing it once - unsuccessfully..I must try again, I use heaps in my cooking!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. Hi Rob! I think maintenance is a bad word, but it has to be done! I am a psychometrist with a local school district and just started my 4 week summer! I have a list of "maintenance" items to take care of before school begins. I am visiting from my first ever Mosaic Monday party. Sad that I have never attempted a mosaic before. When you get a a break form all your maintenance, stop by Still Woods Farmhouse for a visit!

  8. Having a home and a garden means work. But it's fun, too. Looks like you have a great harvest of garlic scapes there. I just made some garlic scape pesto over the weekend. Delicious. You have a beautiful yard.

  9. You have a beautiful yard to prove your maintenance pays off.

    Have a good 1st Blue Monday, Rob.

  10. Vancouver looks so beautiful and intriquing ~ wonderful photography ~ Happy Day to you ^_^

    I agree 'maintenance' is a 'loaded' word ~ More things we have the more maintenance. I keep trying to 'keep it simple' ~ yet I don't seem to be 'listening' to myself!

  11. Enjoyed my visit and seeing all your various pretty views.

  12. A lot of work to do, which reminds me of mine ....sigh, but still, happy Monday!

  13. Yup! Done one project , go on to the next. Visiting from Share My Cup

  14. Beautiful images. You've been so busy. Thanks for sharing at Silver Pennies Sundays. x

  15. True words, Rob! Lots of needs out there, and somewhere in the mix is the need to take care of yourself.

  16. What a great post. Life is full of maintenance. Thank the Lord that it is so rewarding. Always love looking back and enjoying the beauty, fun, love, and rewards of maintenance! So glad to have you back joining SYC.

  17. So very true! Everything needs maintenance - even loving those dear pets - wonderful post! I am so delighted you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,


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