Sunday, February 2, 2014

Doing the Right Thing for your Pets...

Yesterday was a busy one, we had an appointment for our newest family member at our Vets. Taz our 7 month old went in to be neutered. All of our pets over the years have come to us already done as adults (rescue). Taz is a purebred  Persian Tabby we traded a antique chest of drawers for, he is a real joy. He did well and was a little subdued but fine and glad to be home...  

Looking at Mount Washington, Taz Mr. personality
Some shots at Kin Beach, a really fine day, no one was around, a good place to hang out!
Pruning the fruit trees, an entrance to an estate and metal hoops at the beach

Flower bed section of fence trimmed working on another section
KEEP your face with Sunshine lit, Laugh a little bit; Gloomy shadows oft will flit If you have the wit and grit Just to laugh a little bit.   -J.B. Cook

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Rob, why are you using what looks like Blueskin? Nice photos - your yard is looking primed for spring. Maintenance never ends, does it?

  2. All of our pets have been rescue animals and we have had lots of dogs and cats over the years. Some lived an amazing length of time! They were ALL 'fixed' either before we got them or after. Our little Lucy is living the good life! She has a new dog bed that feels like mink - okay! Myabe rabbit skin!! It is so luxurious I wanted to sleep in it!! We have one small scetion of our yard cleaned up for spring. Looking for some nice weather to get out and cut back the rest of our rose bushes! YOURS looks great!!

  3. Taz is a beautiful kitty and I am sure will bring lots of you to your lives. Great pictures. Only have about 25 rose bushes to dead head since we are in So CA we don't have to prune way back and the ones they did the first of January are already showing new leaves. Now all we need is RAIN. Hopefully we will get some this week.
    Stay warm and don't work to hard.

  4. Love the quote! And Yaz is just adorable! You have a lovely view of the mountain Lovely photos and mosaic! Enjoy your new week ahead!

  5. Beautiful views around your place.

  6. You live in a wonderful place. Love your kitty.

  7. Taz looks a little surprised did you just tell him he was adopted?!
    He's a real cutie

  8. Hello Rob,

    You're good to your pets, and this new baby is a cutie! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  9. Enjoyed your variety post presentation, especially of the kitty.

  10. Are those eagles?! What a great sighting, whatever they are. I always so much enjoy your photos, Rob. Thanks so much for sharing this at my History & Home link party. Take care! -Dawn @ We Call It

  11. You have a good variety of subjects today. :)
    Happy ODW!

  12. Spoil Taz....what a cutie pie!
    JM Illinois

  13. Oh my Yaz is adorable! I'll be carrying him around all day on my shoulder! Your views are so pretty, here in IL all I see is SNOW! I loved the quote, a good one to live by. Thanks for sharing at Sunday's Best, your creative inspiration is always nice to see!


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