Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Looking Back from Vintage till now...

Life can be difficult, perhaps this is one reason I have love for old, vintage and rustic pieces. A friend dropped by, we grew up in the Cariboo and we now live in the same area on Vancouver Island. We have a lot in common and had a great time looking at some of my collection.

The old wall phone is a favorite family piece from the home ranch that my Dad gave me. 

My buddy and I both worked at B.C. Tel and several of these phones came in from the Chilcotin during our time at B.C. Tel. We both wished we had kept some, they are worth a lot these days. Mr. Pickwick (Beswick England). A farmer who was out standing in his field and a Presidents of United States plate.
Geese heading south a favorite sign and a day lily
A lonely deer, a table I made at trade school, a little color and burning some brush in my back yard.
A painting looking to Cape Mudge Lighthouse Quadra Island and a painting gathering seaweed
Happy Halloween everyone stay safe!


  1. Great pics as usual!! Love the black cat on the telephone! Are all these vintage pieces in your home?

  2. Love all these beauctiful pieces! And what a sweet post! Also, you are invited to my Christmas giveaway! :)


  3. Such a nice collection....but I have to say I love that wall phone the most!

  4. Hi, found your link at Claudia's Favorite Thing party. I agree with Debra above, the wall phone is awesome! Thanks for sharing all your vintage items with us! Mary

  5. Great pictures once again-- that phone is really cool!

  6. My dad and brother worked for Michigan Bell Telephone for years. My brother found a wall phone like yours and gave it to my dad. Brings back great memories. Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  7. Yep the phone is pretty neat! Burning brush, is it fun or a chore? We don't do that in my area of the states, seems more fun than a chore though. Thanks for joining us at Cap Creations.

  8. Always great to catch up with friends! Again - thanks for sharing some wonderful photos Rob!
    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. cool post! Would love it if you linked up on my blog hop Also let me know if you'd like to follow each other!


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