Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bush Day...

Today was a good day, " Bush Day ". It has been a good long while since I've had the time and everything lined up...  I was talking with a friend a couple of days ago about going into the woods and finding some fence posts ( my fences are more than a little tired).

We headed out around 10 AM and drove the back country, a long and windy road indeed. We found a few posts and had a few laughs along the way...

A big old Cedar stump

Getting started

A rather large Grouse


Lots of work ahead

Log in Motion

A real good start, I learned today that if you burn the bottom of the post that it will last a 100 years 
An old  Farmer told my friend this.

The Maples are loaded with pollen

Buddy at the end of the day a good day was had by all!!

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  1. The best kind of day, friends, your blue truck and fence posts.

  2. It looks like you'll have some good fence posts.
    Buddy is so cute.

  3. You're lucky you can go out and cut down new fence posts. I would imagine burning the bottom seals the layers so moisture and insects can't get in which would shorten the life of the post. Old farmers have much to share. I once was visiting an old guy with our minister and he had a brown paper bag blown up and tied with string hanging over his door way. He said he didn't get flies in his house because they figured it was a paper wasp nest and they wouldn't pass it. And, because some wasps are territorial, it kept them at bay too.
    Visiting from Ontario.

  4. Tiring but rewarding, yes? Nice photos!

  5. I bet it felt good to get out there and cut fence posts, Rob. Could you come here for a visit and build a fence for us??? We need one desperately!

    I don't know if I said this already but I want to tell you how sorry I was to hear of the loss of your beloved mother. My thoughts are with you.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  6. So nice to meet you Rob! I am your newest follower. Stop by for a visit whenever you have a chance. Buddy is adorable and my Bentley would love to meet him.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley


Thanks for your kind comment.

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