Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rounding up the usual suspects...

Having arrived home after three weeks in camp, it is time to fire up the gardening gene...

The usual suspects getting ready to go. Last falls Garlic is looking good!

The Daffodil's are still happening, seeds from Rhodo. Horizon Monarch a first I have seen will have to try them. An interesting tulip and Rambo a small Rhodo.

A rainbow coming into Campbell River, Eskimo Art at Vancouver airport and land, cloud reflections in propeller.

Flower heaven, last nights sunset.
Potatoes are in, plants in overflow bed need to be replanted in new bed today.
 How does your garden grow? 
Happy Gardening!


  1. Fabulous, your flowers look great! Yes, it's gardening time and I am on it. Happy May day.

  2. Welcome back to your wonderful garden and yard. A terrific week for gardening.

  3. Fantastic photo's you shared today over here at Fishtail Cottage's Garden Party! So exciting to see blooms again don't you think? xoxo, tracie

  4. My gardens are just starting to awaken so I have to enjoy the colour and flowers from others for a bit longer yet. I planted garlic for the first time last fall, don't know why I didn't do this years ago.

  5. It's gardening time alright! Our garlic looks much the same as yours.

  6. It is always a treat to see a rainbow.. Your flowers and gardens look beautiful. Lovely images and mosaics. Enjoy your week ahead!

  7. Looks like you are having a lovely Spring! Love that pretty sunset!

  8. Loved your post / fun!

    Can't put anything in the ground till the end of May here and it's been chilly / dreary and most of the seedlings I started in April on the porches told me "Silly, you should have waited until mid-May" :)

  9. Looks like a lot of time will be spent in your garden. So glad you already have some color to enjoy!

  10. Hi Rob,

    What a neat gardener you are! Everything is so organized. Thanks for playing today.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  11. Some very pretty mosaics. Looks like you have some very pretty gardens.

  12. We are having to hop to the mowing too, the grass is really growing. Your flower collages look wonderful and colorful. I have too much garlic coming up where I don't want it so I tried cooking some, the whole stalk, it is quite mild and tender.

  13. Wow, everything is in full bloom. Looks gorgeous!

  14. Flower heaven is right Rob! Breathtaking!! I'm sure you are like me and was dying to get out into your gardens. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. I think this is going to be a marvelous year for the garden - beautiful flowers and sunset photo! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  16. Rob, your flowers are beautiful ... I know you work hard to get them that way. Always thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures and scenes with us.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures


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