Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hot Summer goings on at the Island Rustic Homestead...

Hot and Dry is the forecast for this summer, water shortage is a given. Being forewarned by a mild dry winter and the continuing drought in California it seems that climate change may need a little more than lip service from those in power. There are lots of things that can be done by individuals and every little bit helps.

Tree Mellow, three Ravens dropped by yesterday the first time in 35 years. Water for the deer an old wash tub, a self portrait in one. I now have water and a hose out back in the back 40, it was my wife's idea.
Garlic Scapes in with the Blueberries, they are early this year. Bird bath with Robin. Raspberries are hot and heavy. Taz relaxing on Vanity, butterfly's need H2O.
Garlic tea for the bugs, young bunny needs... rose with weird marks, Pookie rules the roost. a Day lilly
Fruit Flam yummy, Columbine and Echinacea
Old notched-eared deer now has water, 
Point Defiance, squirrel approved wood pile, Peace rose.           

I hope everyone is keeping cool and hydrated. 

Wishing everyone in Canada a Happy Canada Day July 1st and our USA friends a Happy 4th of July.


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  1. As always, your photos are so inviting! I feel a little bit like I have really and truly visited at your place. Louis Dean is a great believer in having plenty of water faucets around! Makes things so much easier! Electric outlets, too!

  2. As always, your photos are so inviting! I feel a little bit like I have really and truly visited at your place. Louis Dean is a great believer in having plenty of water faucets around! Makes things so much easier! Electric outlets, too!

  3. Hi Rob,

    You eat well with that gorgeous fruit growing nicely. That birthday cake looks special too. Thanks for making Blue Monday special.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Beautiful area where you live! Love the flowers, and the's all wonderful!

  5. Wonderful ideas you have to deal with the drought and beautiful collage of photos for Blue Monday!

    Happy Week to you, Happy Fourth of July to the USA
    artmusedog and carol

  6. Hi Rob ... beautiful photos. Would be interested to know more about the garlic tea for bugs. If it would keep mosquitoes away, I need to make some.
    Take care ...
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  7. Oh my host, that Fruit Flan! Your flora and fauna photos are gorgeous -- this is a good start to my day. I saw your link at the Simple & Sweet Fridays party. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey

  8. That tub of water looks so inviting! As does the flan. Beautiful as always, Rob.

  9. Where we live out of town there are no water restrictions, but we are very worried about the lake where our cabin floats. The level is already down to the late August level. It could be the lowest year on record for us. We are lucky because we float in about 20 metres of water, but some cabins are in much shallower locations and can't move out to deeper water. Going aground is really bad for the float logs. - Margy


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