Monday, September 7, 2015

Giant Rusian Red Garlic...

With the way the gardening season was this year and the fact that the garlic wasn't planted in the fall I wasn't expecting to have much success. There were a lot of volunteers from the scape's that I had scattered around in the fall so I planted those as well as the cloves. This season I cut the scape's  thinking the energy would go into the bulbs...

Working on this years crop it turned out to be a good year

This Bouquet is for Ray who made the pot back in the day.

A half moon, sunflowers and black eyed susans
Taz in his younger days.
Pookie, a Camellia which we have in our courtyard and a Sask. stump puller
Buddy's favorite spot under the garden cart, Mom's Peace rose is still blooming and poppies from earlier this year.
Taking care of the garlic hoping to spread among family and friends. Have a Happy Day everyone!


Sharing with:
Cozy Little House, Smiling Sally Blue Monday, Lavender Cottage, A Southern Daydreamer, Thriftasaurus, Sunny Simple Life


  1. Hi Rob,

    Impressive! You certainly have a green thumb.

    Thanks for celebrating Blue Monday's 7th blogiversary.

  2. Wow, an impressive crop of garlic. So far, due to space I only grow Music and am trying to gradually increase the harvest from my own cloves.
    The Peace Rose is a lovely variety, pretty colours.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Rob.

  3. I LOVE all that garlic!!!! AND the sunflowers AND the Black Eyed Susans!!! EVERYTHING!!!!

  4. Wow ... what beautiful garlic. You should make all your friends and relatives happy with sharing that with them. Love your black eyed susans and sunflowers. Always happy to see your beautiful kittens too.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  5. Greetings from Dubai! Really enjoyed going through your blog and good to know that this year you had a great garlic crop. Have a great week ahead! Will be back soon...


  6. Your copper kettle looks much like one I got from my mother. She had a collection of old ones. My garlic is very small, but powerful. Maybe I need to try a different variety to get larger bulbs. - Maryg

  7. Garlic and more garlic. It is really nice to be able to cook with garlic. Lucky you! Nice photos.
    JM, IL

  8. love viewing your pictures they offered a window into your world, so very interesting
    come see us at

  9. I have never seen a better crop of garlic on my life!!!


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