Wednesday, October 22, 2014

It's a Journey Man... Here comes the Sun

This morning the storm is over and the sun is shining through the trees. This is my favorite time of year to take some time to work on projects and much neglected work around the homestead.
The seaweed is calling me and it is time to gather the falling leaves for next years garden. The last few months have been trying in a lot of ways and a lot of fortitude has been needed all the way around.

Taz. work last supper and blue crush for fence and driveway project

Winter is coming, working on a shelter for the crew. A full moon on the way to work.
Last trip to Kitimat
Top on right my room mate treated me to a last supper. An anamita on the lawn of the rental. At home with Taz and my Mother's Peace Rose

The front fence project, my neighbor dug out the old concrete and loaded in my pickup, used blue crush to set posts.
Retarped car park with 12 gauge heavy duty tarp
Stopped at friends on the way home, they have been working hard doing stone work and finishing touches on their homestead. John's 1955 truck. Stopped at the bottle house (see previous post).

Home is where the Heart is...

Thanks for visiting.


Sharing with:
A Southern Daydreamer
Handy Man Crafty Woman
We Call It Junkin
The Self Sufficient Home Acre 
Rooted in Thyme 
A Southern Daydreamer
Handy Man Crafty Woman
My Romantic Home


  1. You have been a busy busy man!!! Loved seeing what all you have been up to.....
    We lost our little Maggie (cat) I really enjoyed seeing your Taz!!

  2. Welcome home. Looking forward to more fence, fall garden, seaweed hauling, Taz, Buddy, homestead in the fall posts.

  3. Congratulations! You've been featured on Wicked Awesome Wednesday! The carport project is especially interesting!! Thank you for sharing and feel free to stop by the website to pick up your "I've Been Featured" button!

  4. Great series. Loved the images.
    The mushrooms here in Bangalore are not so colorful as yours.
    Happy ODW!

  5. Wow, you have been busy Rob! That is cool that you harvest seaweed and use it in your garden. I'm sure it really enhances the soil. Have a good week!

  6. Seaweed would be a good mulch for your garden. Enjoyed your photos posted this week.
    JM, Illinois

  7. That is a beautiful mushroom, such a pretty bright color. Does that mean it's poisonous?


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